
Welcome to Hip & Healthy’s 12 days of FITMAS! What is this, you might ask? For the 12 days leading up to Christmas day, we’re giving you a little insight into how some of our favourite wellness influencers are spending Christmas, their favourite parts of the festive season and little nuggets of wisdom!

On the 6th day of FITMAS, we’re hearing from PT and fitness blogger, Carly Rowena!

What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
Climbing Kilimanjaro with 15 beautiful ladies! I wanted to get more people together doing challenges, we don’t always have friends who want to do the same crazy things as us so I wanted to be the one to enable people to get together, I am so excited!

What’s on your Christmas wish list?
All I actually want this Christmas is tickets to see Bon Jovi, (bet you weren’t expecting to see that) so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. We’re spending Christmas in Joshua Tree this year so it’s going to be far from Normal!

Christmas Gift
If you struggle to sleep then pop this works sleep spray on the Christmas wish list, I’m never seen without it!

How do you avoid over indulgence?
Well! I have written a blog post all about this subject so head over to carlyrowena.com and have a read!