Getting your children to eat anything let alone something healthy is often a challenge for lots of parents! We know a healthy diet is so important for growing kids but sometimes, simply getting them to finish a piece of toast without leaving the table feels like a victory! Getting kids to eat healthily IS possible, it just takes lots of trial and error, a few sneaky tips and meal ideas they’ll won’t be able to resist. After all, kids have tastebuds just like adults do and they need to be tested. Bland food can sometimes be the default when they’re being fussy but how would you like it if you were being given beige food day in day out? It would be awfully boring! These healthy kids cookbooks below all harness the power of flavour and offer parents incredible ideas for meal times and snacks. We definitely recommend them all!
Real Food Kids Will Love| Annabel Karmel
The Kew Gardens Children’s Cookbook | Caroline Craig
Little Green Kitchen | David Frenkiel & Luise Vindahl
Fantastic Eats | Angellica Bell
Get Your Kids To Eat Anything | Emily Leary
Little Bites | Christine Chitnis & Sarah Waldman