
Ahead of her event in London this weekend, we caught up with self-confessed Spirit Junkie Gabrielle Bernstein to chat about all things spirituality, happiness and New Years Resolutions. Read on for the lowdown…

For those of our readers who don’t know, tell us a bit about yourself and what it is you do…

I’m a motivational speaker, self-help book author and self proclaimed Spirit Junkie. I’ve been on a spiritual journey my entire life. In 2005 I surrendered to the path of being a spiritual student and shortly after began to teach the tools I’d been applying to my own life. For the past decade I’ve committed my life to guiding people to shift their perceptions from fear to love and establish a spiritual awareness of their own understanding.

Define Spirit Junkie…

A Spirit Junkie is anyone who is committed to look inward for their happiness, peace and fulfilment.

What led you to embark on your Spirit Junkie journey?

As a child I was brought up in a very spiritual environment. My mother brought me to Ashrams, personal growth seminars and meditation retreats. My spiritual growth was greatly supported.

Then in my early twenties I turned my back on my spiritual upbringing. I chose to search for my happiness and self-worth outside of myself. I looked for it in my career credentials, my romantic relationships and my social status. In a short period of time I became addicted to the outside world. This outside search led me to crash fast. I was addicted to drugs, alcohol and the New York city party scene. At the age of twenty-five, I hit bottom.

This bottom was a turning point. I believe that when we realize that the outside search doesn’t work, we are guided to turn inward. I did just that. I turned to my spiritual roots and realigned with the tools I was taught as an adolescent. I picked up my meditation practice and I a became a student/teacher of the metaphysical text A Course in Miracles and Kundalini yoga. For the past decade I have been on a radical journey inward, unlearning fear and remembering love.

What does spirituality mean to you?

Living a spiritual life means that I consciously choose to see a world beyond my physical site. I’m open to receive creative possibilities and loving guidance from a Higher Power. My faith in this Higher Power gives me a sense of safety, security and peace.

Who or what inspires you?

I’m most inspire by people who are willing to grow spiritually.

What is your personal mantra?

Happiness is a choice I make.

What is your biggest piece of advice for prospective Spirit Junkies?

Be willing. Your slight willingness will open an invisible door that will offer you all the support, guidance and love that you long for.

With January coming to an end, what are some things we can do to make sure we follow through with our New Year’s Resolutions for the rest of the year?

Be disciplined and consistent. The reason we fall off the resolution wagon is because we’re not disciplined. You don’t have to do everything at once. Take daily small right actions towards your desire.

Is there a particular meditation or mantra we can practise to cultivate lasting change?

This exercise is very simple. Repeat the mantra Peace Begins With Me as you tap your thumb on your pointer, middle, ring and little fingers. Each word corresponds with a different finger.

Peace – Pointer

Begins – Middle

With – Ring

Me – Little

This meditation redirects your mind, reduces stress and supports your overall well-being by pressing on the different fingers which activate different meridians in your body.

Finally, what are some steps we can take to ensure that this year is our best one yet?

  1. Take lots of little actions daily. You don’t need to do it all at once.
  2. Measure your success based on how much fun you’re having.
  3. Lean towards joy and you will be led…
  4. Expect miracles

Gabby Bernstein will be speaking in London on 22nd and 23rd January and sharing how to make your resolutions stick and have the best year yet! To reserve your place go to hayhouse.co.uk/gabbylondon

Interview by Zsa Zsa Vella

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