
Unleash your wellness warrior this year with these top five super foods that will help you to feel the hippest and healthiest version of you.


Matcha tea is an easy and simple way to add powerful health benefits to your everyday diet. One serving of matcha tea is the nutritional equivalent of 10 cups of regularly brewed green tea, this is because when you drink matcha you ingest the entire leaf and receive 100 per cent of the nutrients contained within! Known to boost metabolism and burn calories, matcha energises the body, enhances mood and aids in concentration. When that all too familiar afternoon slump hits and you start to feel peckish, make a warming brew of Matcha instead! Rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins, this month try swapping your coffee for a good cuppa’  matcha to wake up the mind and body.


Derived from an ancient Peruvian fruit, lucuma powder delivers an abundance of health benefits when added to your favourite food or beverage. Viewed as a symbol of fertility and creation, for thousands of years lucuma was referred to as the “Gold of the Incas” and was used for a variety of applications. Its unique caramel like flavour serves as a natural sweetener, and is perfect for adding to healthy desserts and baking! In addition to satisfying your sweet tooth, this amazing superfood is gluten-free and provides a source of antioxidants, fibre, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for bodily functions. As an added bonus, research shows that lucuma may be helpful for supporting skin health, blood sugar, and even cardiovascular health – what’s not to love!?


The camu berry is one of the world’s most abundant sources of vitamin C. This antioxidant-rich berry from the Amazon is also a plentiful source of potassium, calcium, protein, beta-carotene, amino acids and powerful phytochemicals. Camu fruits are the highest documented source of vitamin C – providing 200 times more than a banana, and 30-60 times more than an orange. Vitamin C has been linked with stronger immune systems and protection against viruses, helping you fight off those nasty colds. Try a tablespoon of camu powder mixed into a glass of water (instead of berocca!) for a healthy kick-start to your day. 

Bee pollen

Great for sprinkling over your porridge or blending into smoothies, bee pollen is one of our favourite all-natural energy enhancers. With just 2-3 tablespoons needed, the carbohydrates, protein and B vitamins can help keep you going all day, by enhancing stamina and fighting off fatigue. Also a skin soother – the beautifully golden granules of bee pollen are often used in topical products that aim to treat inflammatory conditions and common skin irritations, like psoriasis or eczema thanks to the amino acids and vitamins which protect the skin and aid the regeneration of cells. It also contains enzymes that can aid in digestion, and are good for intestinal flora, thereby supporting the immune system.

Birch Water

Considered the “Tree of Life” the Birch tree is said to have healing properties. Birch water has long been favoured across Nordic folk cultures as a spring detoxing elixir. Naturally diuretic, it supports kidney and liver functions and speeds up the process of elimination and weight loss. Its slightly sweet syrupy liquid is low in calories, naturally fat- and cholesterol free, and super hydrating, also boosting the immune system. For those needing a catalyst to continue burning excess fat: birch water helps balance the body and alleviates the problems faced by those retaining water.

Words by Georgia Barnett 

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